Wednesday, November 15, 2017

This Just In...Pop-Up Thrift, Real Estate, Wawa

Pop-Up Thrift Store 

The space that was most recently a shoe repair shop on the corner of Claremont Road will be a thrift store for a day. On Saturday, Nov. 18, the site that was also once the Franklin Park post office, will transform into a thrift store from 9 am to 4 pm. That's the same day as the holiday bazaar at Six Mile Run Reformed Church next door to the pop-up store.

New Real Estate Agency

Gautams Realty opened an office in Kendall Park about a month ago. Broker/manager Chandra Ghosh says the agency chose Kendall Park because, "there's a lot of business in the area. People want to move to the Princeton area and Monroe."

The real estate agency, which also has an office in Iselin, mostly serves the residential market, but also does commercial and investment business. 
"Last year, business was better than this year," observes Ghosh. Since then it's slowed some, because there aren't as many homes for sale, she says.
The real estate agency's new office reflects the influx of Asian Indians into the Franklin Park/Kendall Park area. Most of Gautam's customers are Asian Indian, though not all, Ghosh says.

Wawa Construction Almost Done

The gas pumps have been installed and landscaping is underway at the Wawa. The construction fence has also been taken down and it looks like the building and its interior are complete. Perhaps it will open by the end of the month. Wawa hasn't returned by emails requesting comments and the date of the store's opening isn't yet listed on the website. It only indicates the store will open in the fall. See website here.

"This Stretch of 27" covers business on Route 27 between Finnegan's Lane and Route 518. What's your story? Email me at

Liz Kiesche
Liz, a business journalist, formerly worked for Bloomberg News in Princeton and New York.

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